The Nutshell Guide to Belgrade: Fast Food/Bakeries

Waking up to grab 250gr of burek with cheese and a yogurt, gobbling đevrek for lunch and having a late night pljeskavica  are marks that distinguish a Belgrader (well, at least aspiring) from a mere tourist and should thus be indulged by shoe-string and business travelers alike. This second installment of the guide cover the best grills, creperies, pizzas places and, of course, bakeries to … Continue reading The Nutshell Guide to Belgrade: Fast Food/Bakeries

Kosovo and Serbia: The strong, the weak and all that

“Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” As far as the social sciences and the dark arts of international relations go, this quote of Thucydides’, written some 24 centuries ago, is the closest thing to a law of motion. Thus the recent developments in Kosovo, from the … Continue reading Kosovo and Serbia: The strong, the weak and all that

The Nutshell Guide to Belgrade: Cafés

After a long hiatus spent in arduous research, in order to help discerning locals and tourists navigating the urban jungle (or over-sized village) of Belgrade, The Nutshell Times is writing a guide series to steer you to the perfect pljeskavica, kafana or exhibition. The aim is to make it as no-BS and informative as possible so do take our word for it: we like quality, character and … Continue reading The Nutshell Guide to Belgrade: Cafés